Friday, February 28, 2014

Famous acquisitions in software history

The following graph shows the cost spent for each user in the acquired software.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcut Windows

 Ctrl + Alt + Up  Column selection up
 Ctrl + Alt + Down Column selection down

Goto Anywhere
 Ctrl + P Quick-open files by name
 Ctrl + R Goto symbol
 Ctrl + ; Goto word in current file
 Ctrl + G Goto line in current file

 Ctrl + Alt + P  Command prompt
 Ctrl + KB  Toggle side bar
 Ctrl + Alt + Alt + P Show scope in status b

 Ctrl + F Find
 Ctrl + H Replace
 Ctrl + Alt + F Find in files

 Ctrl + Alt + t Open last closed tab
 Ctrl + PgUp Cycle up through tabs
 Ctrl + PgDn Cycle down through tabs
 Ctrl + Tab Find in files
 Alt + [NUM] Switch to tab number [NUM] where [NUM] <= number of tabs

Split Window
 Alt + Alt + 2         Split view into two columns
 Alt + Alt + 1         Revert view to single column
 Alt + Alt + 5         Set view to grid (4 groups)
 Ctrl + [NUM]         Jump to group where num is 1-4
 Ctrl + Alt + [NUM] Move file to specified group where num is 1-4

 Ctrl + F2 Toggle bookmark
 F2         Next bookmark
 Alt + F2 Previous bookmark
 Ctrl + Alt + F2 Clear bookmarks 

Text Manipulation
 Ctrl + KU Transform to Uppercase
 Ctrl + KL Transform to Lowercase

Monday, February 17, 2014

How to signout from facebook messenger app in iPhone?

I searched for 15 mins to discover how to sign out from Facebook messenger app in iPhone. Nothing worked, so finally I deleted the app from iPhone.

Sunday, February 2, 2014